An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing)
archival inkjet print face-mounted to diasec acrylic, in artist’s frame
70×100 cm each, set of 7
Dusk is the time when the conflict between freedom and belonging becomes the most irreconcilable: to embrace the sense of belonging would compromise freedom, while one’s yearning for freedom would always bring fears of solitude. Engulfed under the stratosphere of the dimming light, one has no choice but to bear the weight of this eternal dilemma of human experience. Taking Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon as a point of departure, the artist expands the story through viewing and reading. The experiences are then translated into a combined presentation consisting of seven "tinted" photographs (viewing) and three sets of modified “dialogues” (reading).
Drawn from the remnant impressions of the original story of The Red Cocoon, the artist selects seven images from her photographic archive that correspond to the afterimages on her mind and tinted these images uniformly. Photography is a medium known both for its precise representations of reality and its susceptible nature, while language specializes in anchoring rootless images and creating context, which consequentially lessens the ambiguity of meaning inherent in the image. By “tinting” its narrative, the moment encapsulated by the photograph is no longer unidentified or arbitrary, or even embodies the initial intention. As in this example, what the photographs aim to imitate are the imaginations floating in the artist’s mind.
70×100 cm, 共7件

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) I

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) II

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) III

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) IV

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) V

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) VI

An Expansion of Kobo Abe’s The Red Cocoon (Viewing) VII