You Are a Circle, Expanding
Single-channel 4K color video, four-channel sound
Sound composed by Anita Pan
A hand gradually descends from a crimson sky, triggering, as it touches the boundary, the blood moon's capillary waves. By and from the fingertip, concentric circles assume form and disappear—you, the origin of the circles that expand, “ of all centers, core of cores… all this universe, to the furthest stars / all beyond them, is your flesh, your fruit.”1 Along with the four-channel soundscape sprawling across the exhibition space, the ultra-slow motion video turns the totality of the space into a colossal cavity, containing fetal movements, breathes, dream words, whirs, fragmented whispers and whirling rituals. As if immersed in a matrix, the audience is returned to the origin of life, bearing once again with himself “the remnants of his own birth, the moods and egg shells of a primeval world.”2
1 Buddha in Glory, Rainer Maria Rilke, 1905-06
2 Hermann Hesse's Long Summer, directed by Carlo Altomare, 1987
声音创作 Anita Pan
一只手从殷红的深空缓缓迫降,在触抵边界时引发了血月的震荡。不断生灭的同心圆从指尖扩散——你,一切向远的圆之初,“一切中央的中央,一切核的核……整个宇宙,最遥不可及的银河,甚至更远,都是你的肉,你的果实。” 1这件超慢速录像,配合隐身于展厅的四声道音景,将空间整体转化成一具庞大的腔体,容载着胎动、呼吸、梦吟、虫鸣、破碎的低语和旋转的仪式。宛如浸没在母体内部,观众被牵引回到生命之初,再度体认“自己出生时留下的痕迹,与世界原初的卵壳与气息” 2。
2 《赫尔曼·黑塞的漫长夏日》 ,卡洛·奥特梅尔执导,1987

On view at ON | OFF: Carousel of Progress, He Art Museum, Guang Zhou, China, 2022
Courtesy of He Art Museum

Courtesy of Zhejiang Art Museum